Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Apartment 322

So as of June 26th'2008 Andrew and I will officially be"Home Owners", or home debtors...whichever you prefer.

We are so excited and so in awe of this blessing from God.

I think I had decided that we could never buy a home in Squamish.

Awhile back though I heard a sermon at church that talked about when the Israelites were almost in the Promised land, and some of them decided to settle outside, they were ok to have have the Promise of God. I thought " I don't want to settle for less than what God has planned for me. If God wants us to own a house in Squamish, he will do it."

So about a Month ago we went for dinner at our Pastors, Steve and Marilyne's home, where they told us we needed to get in the Market as soon as possible. They gave us the numbers of people they use when buying real estate and told us to find out what our options were.

I still don't really think we were really serious, but a week later Andrew started making the calls, we had an appointment with the Realtor to see the 2 properties we thought we might be able to afford. 10 minutes before leaving to see her, we got a call from the Mortgage Broker saying we would be able to get significantly more than we thought, which significantly increased our options.

I think we looked at 5 places that day and decided to put in an offer on the above. We signed the papers the next day (Sunday) and had all our subjects removed by Friday. Who knew buying a home was so easy?

Really I don't think it is usually, but I think God has a plan for us, and it involves us owning our own place.

1 comment:

Dave and Michelle said...

Sweet! place looks great. Stoked for you guys!